903 9th Floor Philflex Bay Center, Coral Way Drive, Pasay City
Gentec Disposable Breathing Circuit with Double Heated Wire with Chamber (Adult)
Disposable Breathing Circuit without Heated Wire (Child)
Gentec Single Heated Wire Tube
BMC Water Chamber
Winnomed Disposable Universal Ventilator Circuit (Adult)
Inspired Adult Heated Breathing Tube
Oxygen Mask
Bioteq Closed Suction Catheter Fr. 14
Oxygen Regulator
IV set Adult/Pediatric
Edan BG3 Cartridge
Edan Calibrant
Winnomed Anesthesia Breathing Circuit Adult
Ambu® SPUR® II : Ambu Bag
Gentec Disposable Autofeed Chamber
Gentec Disposable Breathing Circuit without Heated Wire (Neonate)
BMC Full Face Mask Vented- Small, Medium, Large
Winnomed Bacterial / Viral Filter
Winnomed Manual Humidification Chamber (Adult)
Inspired High Flow Nasal Cannula (Adult)
Bioteq Closed Suction Catheter Fr. 10
Bioteq Closed Suction Catheter Fr. 16
Inspired Temperature Probe
Edan BG4 Cartridge
NDD Flowtubes
Resvent Flow Sensor Adult/Pedia
Sino-K SPO2 sensor
Gentec Disposable Breathing Circuit without Heated Wire (Adult)
Gentec Nasal Cannula Medium (Adult)
BMC Full Face Mask Non-Vented (Small, Medium, Large)
Winnomed HME Filter
Inspired Autofill Humidification Chamber
Nasal Cannula
Bioteq Closed Suction Catheter Fr. 12
Hudson Humidifier Bottle
Winnomed Disposable Catheter Mount - Expandable
Respicare Heating Circuit and Chamber
Edan BG8 Catridge
NDD Spirettes
Caremed NIBP Cuff
Sino-K ECG Leads